Friday, July 11, 2008

McCain Or Obama?

Click the candidate, scroll down and click "I vote" to submit your vote.
Click "results" to see the poll results.

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McCain or Obama? Who would you vote for if the election were held today?

John McCain

Barack Obama

results »

Part 2- More Choices!
If the election were today, my vote would be cast for:

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How would you vote if the U.S. presidential election were today and these candidates were options?

Barack Obama

John McCain

Bob Barr (libertarian party candidate)

A 3rd Bush term

Ralph Nader

Ron Paul

Frank Zappa

Sponge Bob Squarepants

results »

The down side to a vote for Mr. Zappa is that he is no longer alive. One could argue however that
a president who was deceased could do little harm. Which many would consider a welcome change! (One could make a similar case for electing Spongebob, who as a cartoon, would likely also not be capable of harm .)
Don't forget to vote!

Submitted by the Editor