Thursday, July 6, 2017

Trump- Pootin' America First! - (He that Smelt It)

Ok, is it just me?
Or does anyone else find the irony of Trump and Putin being world leaders and also being synonyms for farts too funny not to point out?
What will happen when they meet?
I don't know but I wouldn't light a match in that room!
Best open a window!
Pootin' says "Conflatulations on your election
Welcome to Trump Towers

​Farty on dudes.

It's the New Whirled Odor.

 So we have President Poop wonder Europeans can't trust him!

You might say these two have an inflatulation...Many people suffer from eggs o' stenchial angst because of these two world leaders.

Yes, I know this post stinks.

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